Employer: UNICEF
Location: Harare
Closing date: 04 Oct 2016
Unicef Zimbabwe is inviting proposals from individual consultants for the provision of Technical support in implementation of the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM) Program.**
Zimbabwe is currently experiencing severe drought resulting from below average rainfall in two consecutive seasons (2014/2015 and 2015/2016). The El Niño weather phenomenon of 2015-2016 has negatively impacted the agricultural season resulting in a protracted food and nutrition insecurity situation. Diminished labor opportunities in agriculture and related industries are further eroding income, rendering food prohibitively expensive among poorer households and promoting negative coping strategies. The limited livelihood options, unfavorable geo-political environment and poor food production have further exacerbated the situation. Latest results of the lean season rapid assessment (ZIMVAC May 2016) project the rural food security insecurity during the peak hunger period (January to March 2017) to reach 42% (4.1 million people), the highest prevalence estimated since 2009. In May, Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) was 4.4%, a decline from 5.7% observed in the January ZimVAC rapid assessment. Indications from the May assessment were that there is a progressive increase in the proportion of food insecure households as the consumption year nears the peak hunger period. Some districts still recorded GAM rates surpassing the global thresholds of 5% (who cut-off point for emergency response), with a further 7 districts surpassing the emergency threshold of 2% for Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). In correlation to the overall food insecurity situation, the assessment of January, 2016 projected that there would be an overall increase in severe acute malnutrition (SAM) caseload compared to 2015 data. The Government of Zimbabwe has since declared a state of Drought Disaster, as the rapid ZimVAC assessment revealed that the number of food insecure people had almost doubled from 1.5 million in July 2015 to 2.8 million in February 2016.
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has been supporting the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) to roll out Community Management of Acute Malnutrition programmes since 2006 and has been gradually increasing the number of facilities treating SAM under the routine programme. In May 2015 four districts were identified as worst food insecure according to the food and nutrition security assessments. In these districts, UNICEF and its partners supported active case finding of SAM cases and treatment of identified cases with support from Central Emergency Funds (CERF). Results from these four districts have shown that the number of children admitted for treatment of SAM has more than doubled from 364 to 834 over the period December 2015 to March 2016 compared to the same period a year before. Support for emergency response in the 4 districts however ended in April 2016 and UNICEF and its partners decided to continue supporting SAM management in these 4 districts and also scaling up to additional districts which were identified as worst food insecure in the food and nutrition security assessments conducted in February 2016
It is with this background that the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Zimbabwe Country Office, is seeking to hire a qualified IMAM Consultant to provide technical assistance to the 15 targeted districts. The main objective of the assignment is to support the emergency response in the 15 most vulnerable districts by strengthening and facilitating expansion of the rapid SMS system for program monitoring, supporting SMART survey and monitoring and supportive supervision visits.
Objective (s)
Broadly, the project seeks to provide critical lifesaving nutrition treatment care to children under five; with severe acute malnutrition in the 15 most drought affected districts of Zimbabwe
Specifically, the consultant is expected to accomplish the following;
Coordinating national, provincial and district authorities to strengthen supply logistics system for IMAM programme in the 15 districts.
Provide technical and operational support to IMAM program implementation in the 15 districts.
Support SMART survey in the 15 targeted districts
Strengthen monitoring of RUTF supplies by ensuring use of Rapid SMS system for weekly reporting across the 15 districts.
Manage IMAM programme through monitoring and delivery of results in the 15 districts.
Lead in innovation, knowledge management and capacity building of IMAM.
Methodology & Expected Output
Under supervision of Nutrition Manager, UNICEF and in close collaboration with National Nutrition Department Nutrition Surveillance and Emergency Preparedness Manager as well as the provincial and district health authorities and partnering NGOs, the IMAM consultant will provide technical assistance on scaling up Nutrition emergency response for the IMAM program. The methodologies applied to this consultancy will include but not limited to:
Coordinate Inception meeting between UNICEF, MOHCC & partnering NGOs
Coordinate capacity building activities for health workers to collect, analyze & interpret IMAM data
Support SMART Survey protocol development and finalization (& report writing) for the 15 targeted districts
Provide logistical and technical support in quantification of supplies, support the distribution planning, and ensure availability of supplies throughout the year.
Monitor progress of the IMAM program implementation process for better results by compiling monthly outcomes data on IMAM
Coordinate nutrition emergency meetings
Compilation of relevant reports, including Inception report showing work plan for the assignment period with monthly targets and milestones clearly identified
Monthly activity report, providing information and progress on each task mentioned above to supervisor as required
Monthly program level data compiled on program activities completed in the 15 districts based on approved work plan and track program indicators as outlined in program log frame
Monthly monitoring reports and follow-up action taken on gaps identified
Major tasks and Deliverables
Task: Compile and submit an inception report
Deliverable: Inception report showing work plan for the assignment period with monthly targets and milestones clearly identified
Task: Provide technical assistance in scaling up nutrition emergency response for the IMAM program, especially in capacity building for facility based and community based health workers; to collect, analyze & interpret IMAM data making use of the Rapid SMS system; reporting and supervision
Deliverable: Submission of weekly, monthly activity and training reports, providing
information and progress on each task mentioned above to supervisor as required
Task: Support Nutrition SMART Survey in 15 districts
Deliverable: Survey Report for 15 districts
Task: Roll out: Rapid SMS system expansion for IMAM data
Deliverable: Functional Rapid SMS system accompanied by weekly reports
Task: Supporting supply logistics, including facilitating procurement & distribution RUTF, Procurement of data bundles for Rapid SMS system, timely assessment & ensuring no stock outs
Deliverable: Monthly report showing that logistics and supply of commodities have been supported
Task: Monitor performance of the IMAM program and support corrective actions
Deliverable: Analyze and share monthly outcome report for the IMAM program
Task: Participate in monthly and weekly nutrition emergency coordination meetings with all stakeholders, including NGOs and civil society
Task: Reports for all meetings submitted.
Deliverable: Monthly report
Task: Follow up monthly screening of all children under 5 years by Village Health Workers and referral of acutely malnourished children.
Deliverable: Monthly community level data compiled and submitted on number of children screened, referred and treated
Task: Compile an exit report and prepare handover notes
Deliverable: Exit report
All deliverables should meet the expected quality as assessed by the Supervisor of the consultancy assignment. Should the consultant fail to deliver as per expected quality or standards, UNICEF reserves the right to amend/delay payouts. Candidates must submit their cost proposal inclusive of travel, DSA and related costs.
The consultancy will begin 03 October 2016 and end on 03 February 2017
Consultancy Requirements
Education and Work Experience
Degree in Nutrition, Dietetics or Health or its equivalent.
At least two years of progressively responsible professional work experience on management of acute malnutrition in emergencies with experience in Community based health and nutrition programmes.
Knowledge of humanitarian and development issues is an asset.
Able to work within various teams and be able to contribute to the overall success of that team
Able to demonstrate a flexible and adaptable approach to work.
Ability to communicate fluently in English required.
8. Supervision
The IMAM Consultant will be supervised by the Nutrition Manager During the 4 months, the consultant shall be paid 25% of the total consultancy fees per month All deliverables should meet the expected quality as assessed by the Supervisor of the consultancy assignment. During the 4 months, the consultant shall be paid 25% of the total consultancy fees per month. Should the consultant fail to deliver as per expected quality or standards, UNICEF reserves the right to amend/delay payouts. Candidates must submit their cost proposal inclusive of travel, DSA and related costs.
If interested and available, please submit your application letter, CV , Technical and an all-inclusive financial proposal detailing monthly professional fees, travel related costs (for an estimated 5 field travel days per month) and other miscellaneous consultancy costs for delivering the assignment to email address: hararevacancies@unicef.org by 04 October 2016. To quote “IMAM Consultant” as the email subject heading.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.